My first Truchet I created

My first Truchet I created

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Yesterday, I've decided to cease my deployment till further notice
and on Star wars the old Republic on the Empire Side there is an Imposter that
has my name my presence in Starwars the Old Republic shall not cease
No one can be me except me there can only be one me and that's me I will deploy back
to Starwars soon but when I return, I will be making my strongholds badass
and have better equipment know this, I can be anyone on the Empire who is watching you
Who am I? That's for you to figure out but there is an Imposter using my name on
the Empire side.  For now I shall deploy to Worldoftanks to blow some tanks roller rotator
thingies off if I don't, Then I will destroy it the old fashion way.

And today I got word that we have a spy.


Official Plans for DM/Rampage Squad since Alrium Roleplay's Duke Michael Challanged our entire clan to a fight, so this is the best plan I have for a Rampage Squad Reported Steven


1 comment:

  1. Update:Update: Vijay is going to become hostile , so his position as head mapper for ultimate roleplay has just been terminated
