My first Truchet I created

My first Truchet I created

Monday, March 5, 2018

Situation that happened last week

Okay so the other
day in World of tanks there was a player in this clan called Filox the name itself is quite ridiculous if
you ask me I've joined that clan I believe a year ago. Honestly
when I think about the name...they could have come up with something better. Anyway aside from that there's a streamer on twitch named Drifter316
So turns out he loves too gossip and talk a lot of shit and incite a problem with people, he doesn't keep his negative thoughts too himself because he did that too me in a skirmish where we (The clan) were fighting in a teir 6 battle on some map that has railroad tracks and has a big river there so anyway here I am trying too save one of our own from being destroyed knowing full well that the railroad crossing will be overrun and one of our own will have a hard time dealing with the enemies crossing the railroad tracks. So I was in a T37
And I barely had any help too fight off the enemy picking one of our own apart so I had too snipe and then this Drifter ups and starts yelling at me and says "What are you doing?" and I'm like 'I'm trying too save one of our own' and it seems he didn't understand the situation and criticizes me for trying too save our own. And this happened while he was streaming not only that he was gossiping. If he has something too say too me he should pm me and tell me instead of gossiping and talking shit because I find it too be a cowards way not wanting too address an issue where its just the second and command officer and you instead he creates a problem where he's being disrespectful and rude not too mention a poor leader that's up there with REveNGe (Arjan) and Dorckyduck (Samuel Hidalgo) (He has his name like this in World of tanks don't ask me why) I'm temporarily trying too maintain my patience with him for now until I find a better clan too have an alliance with because this current clan won't do I need a better clan where I don't need too deal with people who are like what I said.  I don't need crap I have enough of that going on. All I want is peace and less stress.
Then he thinks I need permission too leave after I was moved too this clan lobby thing and then waited there and was like 'Why should I wait? I can just leave and do some random battles and come back' he has some nerve thinking that. Anyway that's what happened so this Saturday or next Saturday I might consider attending a random battle and see if this happens again. Frankly if he was in my clan and he gets disrespectful and rude and everything I said earlier I would have kicked him out before he had time too blink because I don't tolerate stuff like that.

This is his channel.